Thursday, April 26, 2007

pat myself on the back

hello blogworld! im feeling so grown and mature and responsible that i had to share this!

so i have that gift certificate for Outback Steakhouse for writing that article for my school. and check me out b/c mature responsible me went online to outbacks website to check out healthy food options before i dine.

these little changes, y'all. they make the difference. Pre-JC Sha would've had a fit inside her head and say "i'm going to eat whatever i want, this is a gift certificate!" as if not paying for the food will take away all the calories. Post-JC Nutrition Conscious Sha stops and thinks... ive never even been to outback before. i dont even know what they have... ah, let's go online and see if we can plan the meal properly."

just like my gripe about drinking, i remember that i am grown and in charge and i can eat what i want... and i want to eat properly; not with gluttony.

dine by choice, not by chance. i dont live to eat. i eat to live. and nothing tastes better than thin feels. and... i am the warrior. Well I am the warrior. And heart to heart you'll win!

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