Monday, August 13, 2007

hey whats up

guys, i feel so much better these days. i was gone for a while, but im feeling much better now. jeez, what a martyr i was. tho it's a lot of work for me, it's not nearly the same amount of effort my other sisters in the struggle do.

i dont know exactly what kenzi was eating, i think just using common sense eating. but she exercies a lot, like A LOT. same with meghan, she was really great at keeping her calories at 1200 a day, and exercised twice a day: once in the gym, and then another hour on the elipitical at home.

those are the only blogs i read regularly, actually. i used to read a couple others, but they've all stopped writing. maybe they're just on a break like i was. come back, ladies!

update on the gerber finger foods: i like to put like 10 in my mouth and then let them melt. it feels weird. i love it.

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