Sunday, August 12, 2007

do what you want.

a while back i was on, reading a forum about ideas for low-calorie snacks and someone mentioned the gerber baby finger foods. at first i thought that was insane and that person needed counseling, taking weight loss too far. but jeez, im so over my judgemental self, who do i think i am.. tho i've said "do what works for you" over and over, i forgot it for a while. i remember again now. i heard of a woman that used baby utensils for all her meals, and i take back the mean stuff i said about too. anyway... i bought these gerber snacks and they're pretty tasty. ive tried the apple/strawberry, the sweet potato, and the banana. you can eat 80 for 25 calories .


Lori Bailey said...

I've started watching my calorie intake, eating as few as I can get by with. My question for you is this: Do you not eat after a certain time? I've been told that you shouldn't eat after 7pm. My thing is I can go all day with just an apple or a few pretzels and my water, but when evening time rolls around that's when I get most of my calories for the day. Do you think this is bad? I'm not really hungry through the day, especially with all this water.... but if it's hurting me I'll make myself eat. I'd like your opinion. Thanks girl.... Oh yes, I'm glad you're FINALLY back!!! Had me worried for a bit :)

Sha-Dizzle said...

thanks lori!! im glad im back too! in regards to times/hours to eat, and of course im no specialist, but eat at whatever time you want, so long as you eat your minimum calories in the day.

during jenny, sometimes i'd get home and eat practically the entire days menu in one sitting after 10pm b/c it was the only time i had, and i still lost weight. i spoke to the jc counsuler(sp) and she said tho there are lots of rules and tricks that help people, really you should do what works for you. there's nothing wrong with eating all your calories late. if it's when your comfortable eating, then do it. the problem lies in not eating enough (say you get home and dont eat b/c of the time), when you dont eat your days calories, you'll be... ok, i'll be starving and craving the next day.

how much you eat depends on your body and activity. eat at least 1000 a day. i have read that any less than that is too hardcore and requires medical supervision. w/jenny, i was eating 1700 a day. now my goal is 1600 a day. maybe drop when my weight drops. our homegirl meghan (abetteryear.blogspot) ate i think 1200 a day?

Lori Bailey said...

I hear the heavier you are, the more calorie intake you should eat. I dunno how true that is, but I believe I remember reading somewhere that as you loose weight your calorie intake should go down as well. I'm going to do a search on it to see what my calorie intake should be. I'm doing much better on my water then I thought I would. I haven't had soda or tea in almost a week! Thanks for answering my question.... even though you may not be "an expert", your knowledge is good enough for me to listen to :)

Sha-Dizzle said...

yeah, the heavier you are, the more calories you should start out with. then go for less calories as you weight decreases.

once you get off soda, you'll wonder how you ever even drank the stuff. seriously. tastes like "acid water."